Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hi From Ted Dalton

It was nice to hear from you and Thank you for the warm welcome. well let's see I'm 55 at this time but will be 56 in Oct. I'm Pretty well stove up from too many years of working with my back and muscles and without using my head but will be in better shape towards the end of the year after I have surgery, that's why i'm looking at the end of the year to find a boat and hopefully purchase early next year.

I have been studying boats for several month's and was about to choose a 46 foot morgan but then saw a reference to the 47 foot Vagabond and so I started doing research on them, they look like great boats, I was leaning to the Morgan because it is built here in America, being A Navy Veteran and seeing how some other countries treat American's I was pretty sceptecle about boats built in Taiwan until I got to doing research on them. I will close for now, I spent most of the day in San Fran at the V.A.Medical center and then a 150 mile journey to my home in the Mountains. Have a great day and "GOD" Bless.

1 comment:

Al and Jean s/v Ryen`s Quest said...

We took the liberty to post your introduction on the Blog site. We look forward to your participation and questions pertaining to the Vagabond 47, there a few of them right here on this blog.

To post just go to the blog site and sign in with your hotmail account and you should be able to access to post. If you have any problems, just email me and I will try to fix the problem. All the best!! Al and Jean